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Preparing your outdoor gear for spring/summer season

24. dubna 2023Hints and tipsPavel KreuzigerReading time 15 minutesRead: 169x

The spring is finally here. And with the spring also comes swapping your winter gear for the spring/summer season gear. Let´s take a closer look at what we need to do to prepare our gear for the new season and what not to forget. 

It is the season where our winter gear is no longer neccessary. However, we need to take proper care of it which means clean it, dry it, and possibly apply some special treatment, before we can safely store it so we can come back for it when the winter season comes back again. At the same time, now it is the right time to check your spring/summer gear, which was probably stored somewhere for several months so we need to prepare it for the new season and make sure all the features of your gear as well as material are in the right conditions.


In the beginning, we´ll touch little bit on environmental problems. when we say sustainability, we may think of „recycling“. However, sustainability is often defined by three "R". In addition to recycling, it is also„reuse“ and „reduce“.

We´ll touch on "reuse" in this article as well. While in the past many of us would prefer consumable goods, recently we are witnessing the trend of purchasing high-quality, durable goods. However, even the highest-quality clothes and gear will not last, if we don´t give it the right and proper care.

Make a list 

If you are taking preparing for the new season seriously, it is important complete a list of :

  • All the things you own. First, separate winter and spring/summer (three-season) stuff. This can be further separated on things that are in good conditions, products that need to be repaired and the last group are things that we no longer need and we need to get rid of.
  • Things, you still need to buy. Ideally together with the more specific term – for example after the next payday ( money saving can be another benefit of this planning opposite to haphazard decision-making).
  • The third list could be the list of all things, that you need for the maintenance of your current gear. Especially highlight the things that you still need to purchase. 

Footwear is basis 

Quality footwear is one of the most important things on this list. You might have one "universal" pair of shoes for all year round use, but it is definitely recommended to have extra pair just for the winter that would provide some kind of insulation during cold days. For outdoor footwear, water resistance should be almost essential no matter the season.  

Recommended products

But even the highest-quality shoes will not last if we don´t store them properly and give them proper care and maintenance. It depends a lot on the material. Outdoor and trail shoes can be generally divided into the footwear from leather, synthetic materials and leather/synthetic combination. More specific tips on how to care about your trail shoes and boots will be found in next article. 

Salomon Toudra footwear

Quality outdoor footwear is essential for your successful trip. On the pic - Salomon Toudra.

It is important to do some regular maintenance of your shoes before you store them for a while, and if needed as a prep for the new season :

  • Remove the biggest dirt first. Start scrubbing by using a brush with a coarser bristles, for example this one. You can also choose more universal brush with different bristles (such as this one). Do not forget to loosen or remove laces, as lot of dirt can be found underneath.
  • It is essential to allow your shoes to dry completely. To speed up the drying process you can fill the inside of your shoes with newspaper, or you can use the special products for drying that are nowadays available on the market (dryer bag that absorbs moisture and eliminates unpleasant odors).
  • After drying comes cream/wax (in case of leather shoes) and impregnation. There isn´t really universal product so you have to adapt it to the material of your shoes. Impregnation works as a waterproofing treatment, and if used regularly and properly, your footwear will show even better features as well as it will last longer. 
  • Storage is as important as the regular maintenance. The simplest and probably the most used way is to store them in the shoe rack. there are also special shoe storage cabinets as well as wooden or plastic shoe inserts that will help to keep your shoes in the good conditions. The last option would be to store your footwear in wooden or plastic box.

Take care of your clothing  

With the right care you will also prolong the life and function of your outdoor clothing. Regular washing is important, but we need to follow the washing instructions for each and every specific garment. For most of the regular outdoor clothing, you don´t need any special care, you can simply wash them using washing machine or by hand. There are special laundry detergents designed for use on functional clothing or even merino wool. 

Man wearing a functional clothing

Washing the functional clothing can be tricky and you should always follow washing instructions from the manufacturer. 

A little complicated situation comes with the outer layers, as these pieces are usually impregnated from the manufacturer. You can’t just chuck them in the washer like any old laundry. Standard detergent is full of composition-breaking chemicals which might ruin the waterproof membrane of your favorite jacket, etc. Luckily, there are special detergents, that will not only ruin the membrane but also helps to restore some of the features.

For such cases we can offer laundry detergents from  U.S. brand Atsko, that restore waterproofing of those clothes ( their DWR coating).

But that is not all. Especially with the down or synthetic winter jacket you can find insulating layer, that could be also ruined by using standard laundry detergent. However, thanks to the nano-technology used in Atsko detergents, we don´t have to worry – insulation fluff up for maximum warmth. In addition, these detergents leave no residue or stains.

Before each washing, remove all the mud and dirt that you can remove. This can be done by soft brush or cloth. Coarser bristles on your brush could cause damage.

Drying outdoor clothing is simple – your jacket or trousers simply hang from the line in the garden or in the bathroom (ideally avoid direct sunlight) and let it dry. Some pieces can be chucked in dryer, but always follow the instructions. If the symbol says DO NOT TUMBLE DRY then do not do it. 

Restore waterproofing 

Just like with the footwear, the last step of the care is restoring waterproofness. Waterproof coating is restored (along with already mentioned detergent) by using impregnation spray, that is simply applied on your clothing. Treated clothing will then regain its properties, because of which you actually bought it.

This procedure - if done regularly - will also prolong life-span of your clothing and should be lastly done right before you store your winter/summer clothing away for the next season. This will ensure that your clothing is in optimal condition before the new season.

Tents are important too  

Outdoor gear obviously includes things that you need for sleeping during your trips – tents">tents, sleeping bags and mattresses. With tents, the procedure is very similar to clothing – that means - cleaning, impregnation, storing – only with the tents it is extra important to make sure that your tent is 100% dry before storing it to avoid the spread of mold. 

Tent in the forest

To keep your outdoor gear functional, do not forget regular care and maintenance. 

For the same reason, make sure to put your tent in a breathable sack and not in compression sack, because compression sacks aren't meant for storing them for the long term. If you did not do these steps before the end of the season, now it is the right time to do them - during the spring prep, let your tent air-dry properly and then apply impregnation. 

Sleping mattresses

As for the sleeping mats, we offer mainly inflatable and self inflating sleeping mats. Such mattresses are practical, lightweight, easy to store and comfortable... but at the same time they can be easily damaged, primarily when you put them on a bad ground. Sometimes you don´t check the terrain properly (especially when it´s dark outside) and you might a have a problem.

It is therefore advised to have sleeping mat repair kit, that usually includes patches and glue to help with minor repairs and to restore insulating properties (do you remember when we mentioned „reuse“ in the beginning of this article ?). It is always better to check and try your mattress at home during your preparation for the new season to avoid any future troubles. 

Sleeping bags should provide good sleep 

As for the sleeping bags, make sure to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Hang your sleeping bag and let it dry right after you get back home. Just as with the tents, do not use compression sacks, but opt for larger and breathable sack, which won´t cause damage to your (either synthetic or down) insulation. If you don´t intend to use your sleeping bag for longer time, store it in a dry place without direct sunlight, which also extends its lifespan.

If you want to further extend life-span of your sleeping bag, during season you can use waterproof stuff sack, which keeps your sleeping bag dry and clean and also works as another insulating layer. You can of course use it off season as well and put your sleeping inside for winter storing.

However, your sleeping bags don´t get dirty only from the outside but also from the inside. We sweat when we sleep and let´s face it, after all day hike we are not the cleanest people either. It is therefore advised to purchase sleeping bag liner, that is easy to wash, provides layer of insulation and also makes storing of your sleeping bag easier for the off season storage. If you did not use impregnation in the end of the season, do it now, during preparation for the new season. You can use the same products you used to impregnate your clothing. 

Electronic devices 

Even electronic devices, such as GPS, various lamps and flashlights or outdoor smart watches need some maintenance. If such devices have rechargeable batteries, make sure to remove them at the end of the season and store them in a cool and dry place. Alkaline batteries could cause damage to your device during storage. Before the season starts, install fully charged batteries and do not forget to buy some extra ones.

Professional repairs 

Sometimes we are simply not able to do repairs of our outdoor gear on our own and we need to seek help of professional services. However, we should always know the price for such services ( at least approximate cost). Even know we have been mentioning sustainability and "reuse", sometimes it is just not possible. Think about whether it is better to repair it or rather invest in a new gear. Either way, you don´t need to get rid of some of your stuff right away - for example if your sleeping bag is not totally ruined, it can help for example people in need (homeless, etc.) 

DIY repairs  

We have already touched on topic repairs of outdoor clothing and gear. Sometimes, when you are on multi-day trips, you might accross some incident, and you have to rely only on yourselves. That is why it is recommended to add some items to your survival kit, which will help you with such repairs. 

Duct tape

During spring prep do not also forget tools for minor DIY repairs. Duct tape is simply "must-have" item !

  • Duct tape

Duct tape is simply must-have item for every day use. If you have damage on your sleeping bag, tent or down jacket, the duct tape is usually the only option how to survive the following days without major problems.

  • Extra shoelaces 

The good idea is also to carry extra shoelaces – you never know when you need them. Untied shoes may lead to some serious injuries. 

  • Multitool

For some repairs, your knife may not be sufficient. That is why you should also equip yourselves with the right multitool, which is not only practical tool for your outdoor adventures, but you will also use you it in your workshop. 

Sewing kit will not take much space in your backpack and it is a great tool when you need to sew a button or do some other repairs on your clothing. All you need is little bit of skill and you clothes will be functional again. 

Paracord is lightweight, easy to store aid that has versatile use so do not forget to pack it as well.

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