We only have one health, and therefore, we should take proper care of it. Prevention is also important because providing first aid without access to a first aid kit is complicated, if not impossible in some cases. However, the category of health and protection products is much broader.
Having health protection resources with you always pays off. Naturally, in accordance with the expected risk and our current possibilities - taking a professional medical kit on a hike in nature probably doesn't make much sense. Our offer is therefore tailored mainly to those who have limited options for transporting medical equipment. Although you can combine more of the offered solutions for a car or household.
The health protection category naturally includes various first aid kits and supplies. You can choose from them based on what exactly you need in the kit. There should definitely be some disinfectant (we also sell these separately), bandaging material, bandage, tape, plasters, scissors, and a basic selection of medicines. For example, those for pain, allergies, and those needed for your specific illnesses. You can read more about how to equip a first aid kit for short trips in this article of the Rigad.cz magazine, and more tips can be found in the article How to Choose the Perfect Travel First Aid Kit.
In armies and other professional units, single-purpose tourniquets are increasingly used. You can even get a special tactical pouch (pouch) for them. It definitely matters what you use to stop massive bleeding. Do not use equipment like paracord or anything thinner than 40 to 50 mm. You could cause more harm than good. If you want to prepare for the possibility that you might have to provide first aid for massive bleeding, read another article from our magazine.
Besides pain relief, it's necessary to ensure higher thermal comfort for the injured as part of first aid. And not just because of the injury itself (the body needs more warmth when injured than a healthy person's body), but also to mitigate shock that can occur in an emergency. For these purposes, we have special films and bags available, or emergency tents with a reflective layer.