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The times when hikers made do with bread and a stick of salami are long gone. Today's travel foods are much more sophisticated, elaborate, healthier, and more nutritious. Moreover, they often don't weigh as much, considering their nutritional value.

MRE, or ready-to-eat meal in the field

Food is a basic human need, and we should give it proper attention. However, not everyone wants to cook while hiking. Despite this, you can still enjoy a quality, warm meal in the middle of the wilderness that gives you enough energy to continue your journey. Originally developed for military purposes, MRE – meal ready to eat – is a ready-made meal.

You can have such a portion anywhere and often you won't even need a stove. You just need to add water. Naturally, we don't recommend using water from a stream, but in case of emergency, why not. In our offer, you will also find water purification products or water filters, after using which the risk of potential infection is reduced to a negligible minimum.

But back to MRE. These are essentially modern food rations that have nothing to do with the instant meals of the past, full of additives and various chemicals. While some of the offered dishes need to be poured with hot water, most of them require only cold water. How is this possible? It is due to the exothermic reaction that occurs between the water and a special self-heating capsule. The food heats itself in a few minutes and in the meantime, you can set up a tent, wash clothes, or just sit and relax.

An extra portion of energy

An extra portion of energy can also be provided by another type of travel food that you can purchase from us. This is dried meat, or jerky. This product consists of lean meat cut into strips, which has been dried and only salt has been added besides meat. The term "jerky" is not an Anglicism, but the original Quechua word, which means nothing other than "dried, salted meat".

However, we recommend eating jerky only in combination with other foods – it is not suitable to live solely on dried meat for several days in a row. Although you will save space in your backpack and have as much energy as from much heavier food, there is a risk of protein poisoning caused by a lack of fats in the food.

Crackers, biscuits, and chocolate

Then there are, of course, dried foods that include various crackers, biscuits, and chocolate. Such food provides us with enough quick energy, for instance, when we are only a few kilometers away from our goal and do not want to waste time with a break. Again, it is not a varied diet, but if you supplement such foods with at least one full, warm meal a day (such as an MRE), you will have a varied diet ensured.

Warm up with tea or coffee

Tea and coffee are drinks but can also be considered as part of food. Most teas and coffees we offer are ready to drink; they only need to be poured with water. It can be said that this is a kind of analogy to MRE. However, this time you will need hot water, just like at home. The coffee is usually available in a filter, which simplifies its preparation and ensures that you won't be grinding coffee beans between your teeth like with homemade Turkish coffee.

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Emergency Drinking Water in Sachets 5×100 ml MSI

Emergency Drinking Water in Sachets 5×100 ml MSI

€ 5,8In stock
O.H.K® ACR Colombian whole bean coffee
Sale - 10%

O.H.K® ACR Colombian whole bean coffee

€ 9,3€ 10,4In stock
O.H.K® PCR Guatemalan whole bean coffee
Sale - 10%

O.H.K® PCR Guatemalan whole bean coffee

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Special offer -13%

Bacalao with clipfish Real Turmat®

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Couscous with Lentils and Spinach Real Turmat®
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Couscous with Lentils and Spinach Real Turmat®

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Trek'n Eat® Long-life Rye Bread, 500 g

Trek'n Eat® Long‑life Rye Bread, 500 g

€ 6,2In stock
Energetic Chocolate Scho-ka-kola® 100 g
Energetic Chocolate Scho-ka-kola® 100 g
Energetic Chocolate Scho-ka-kola® 100 g

Energetic Chocolate Scho‑ka‑kola® 100 g

€ 4,1In stock
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Grower's Cup Coffeebrewer Outdoor Coffee Bags ‑ Brazil

€ 2,5In stock
Durable biscuits Trek'n Eat

Durable biscuits Trek'n Eat

€ 3,1In stock
Grower's Cup Coffeebrewer Outdoor Coffee Bags - Colombia

Grower's Cup Coffeebrewer Outdoor Coffee Bags ‑ Colombia 

€ 2,5In stock
Drip it® Brazil / Nicaragua coffee in a filter, 20 pcs

Drip it® Brazil / Nicaragua coffee in a filter, 20 pcs

€ 16,3In stock
Drip it® Nicaragua Jinotega coffee in a filter, 5 pcs

Drip it® Nicaragua Jinotega coffee in a filter, 5 pcs

€ 5In stock
Drip it® Ethiopia Sidamo coffee in a filter, 5 pcs

Drip it® Ethiopia Sidamo coffee in a filter, 5 pcs

€ 5In stock
Trek'n Eat® Emergency Food Ration/Gluten-free NRG-5 Zero

Trek'n Eat® Emergency Food Ration/Gluten‑free NRG‑5 Zero

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Adventure Menu® ‑ Zipper Bag

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Dehydrated food Tactical Foodpack® fish curry with rice

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Dehydrated food Tactical Foodpack® pasta with vegetables

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Adventure Menu® - Mac & Cheese, 250 g

Adventure Menu® ‑ Mac & Cheese, 250 g

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Adventure Menu® ‑ Cricket protein penne in sauce with beans 400 g 

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Adventure Menu® Cricket protein penne with creamy chicken 400 g 

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Piast® SU‑3 special hardtacks, freeze‑dried fruits, 70 g

€ 1,2In stock
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