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Tents protects us against surrounding elements and conditions such as rain, snow, wind, etc. They come in different shapes and sizes. We should be aware of that before we purchase one. 

Outdoor survival without proper shelter is dependent on weather and other circumstances. Temporary shelter can be made of branches, leaves ... with the help of some fasteners. But why improvise when there are solutions. One of them is tent. As an outdoor shelter, it provides privacy and protection from cold, rain and wind. Tents has been around for very long time as the first written notice can be found in the Bible. What is tent anyway ? What does it offer and what about construction ?

There is no tent like a tent 

In general, it can be described as a multi-use shelter. It does not have to be the standard camping tent, we also have military tents, tents for different events, etc. There are many types, but same construction. In this category we can find camping tents only. They differ in design, ways of use and number of people that can accommodate. Let´s talk about the types and designs. 

What we need to know 

Tent consist of several main parts. Mostly it is interior (inner tent), poles, roof (outer tent) and pegs. The roof is an outer part (tent) protecting us from rain and wind. There are tents with inner (throw-over) or outer(combined) construction, form which the inner one is older. It is all about how do we set up the poles and this can make such a difference. With the inner construction, the inner tent with poles is set up and then the outer tent is stretched over. Don´t you see the difference ? Imagine setting up the tent during rain. Inner tent will get wet and we have nowhere to hide. In this case is better outer (combined) construction. Basically the inner and outer tent are set up together - doublepitching. This type seems to be much more advantageous.

Previously A-shape, nowdays igloo 

We have surely noticed that tents have different shapes. The oldest known is an A frame tent. This shape is now obsolete. It does not provide as much comfort as the other two types. One of them is dome tent, known also as igloo tent. As for its properties, it offers an excellent stability and wind resistance. It is therefore better for outdoor activities and expeditions. The ground has square shape, inside is main area and small vestibul. Last ones are tunnel type tents. They usually don´t provide as much stability and water resistance as dome tents, but their qualities are in the space they can offer. Thanks to the oblong shape they offer usable vestibul for storage. 

Camp or wilderness 

When choosing a tent, think about transportation first. Whether we carry it on our back or put it in a car. This come in hand with design, respectively weight and size. We should also be aware of number of people sleeping inside so we have enough of space. Last, but not least, the fabric, that protects us from conditions, is also very important. 

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Tent length
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Height of tent / bedroom
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Dome tent water-tightness / water-resistance
mm mm
Groundsheet water-resistance
mm mm