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What is RSS and how can I use it to subscribe to new articles?

28. ledna 2022Rigad News Petr HájekReading time 3 minutesRead: 2521x

Literally, "RSS" is an abbreviation (Rich Site Summary) and it is one of the XML formats designed for reading news on websites (and more specifically, the so-called content syndication). You have a similar option with us. Just add our RSS feed to your reader. You will also find a link to the feed next to each article in the form of an icon.


As for RSS technology, it allows any Internet user to conveniently receive news completely effortlessly from a similar RSS feed (such as ours).

Previously, this format was used only to pass current news between certain servers, which, thanks to this, could always very easily link to current articles on other servers.

What is RSS good for?

RSS is a thing that always and constantly changes on the site depending on what news ever appears on a particular server.

RSS is a thing that always and constantly changes on the web depending on what news ever appears on a particular server. The link to this RSS must be inserted into your RSS reader and you can set up the subscription of local news from the given website, which offers this RSS feed (also RSS feed, RSS channel, channel). The requested information is then sent, including a link to a new article, so you can immediately see and know that there is something new.

The RSS format provides the content of the entire article, or its part, a link to the original article and also other metadata. This information is sent as an XML file called an RSS feed, web feed, RSS stream,  or RSS channel.

In short, it's kind of like an e-mail account: spontaneously (or according to your settings - only after manual renewal, every 15 minutes,…) new articles are renewed here even without you coming here. One is then alerted to this as with any other message (if one wants) and can read everything whenever it deems it appropriate  and click on interesting things like any other link, and that's it.

On which platforms can I read RSS?

RSS is a very old format, so it's no wonder that it has spread across virtually all platforms today. But as for the most popular platforms today, we will mention the following:

  •  Windows PC - the following freeware programs are definitely worth mentioning: Feed notifier, RSS Guard, Snarfer, Feed Demon, QuiteRSS, Feed Reader and RSS Owl, all freeware.
  •  Android OS - even though RSS is not as popular here as it used to be, it is still probably the best way to deal with the influx of news in a very organized way: we recommend Aggregator (freeware), Feedly (also free), Flipboard (free), Flym News Reader and Inoreader (free or paid from $ 3-5 per month). Or choose an RSS reader of your choice from Google play.
  • Apple iOS - RSS is not dead even on the iOS platform, and even though Google has suspended Google Reader for us, Feedly takes over its capabilities here more than with dignity (optionally paid). But there is also Unread (free with premium version), Lire (7 USD), Fiery Feeds (again with VIP version) and Inoreader (free with subscription).

Add our RSS feed to your reader today and you will not miss any article.

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