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Home Emergency Survival Kit

27. září 2022Hints and tipsOndřej KrotilReading time 8 minutesRead: 1906x

You are at home and you think you are in no danger. You are right, but what if there was blackout or any other disaster ? Would you know how to secure yourself ? We need to know certain specifics so we will give you few tips. 

What is survival ?

The definition of word "survival" is quite simple. It is a state, where you are experiencing some crisis and/or unexpected situtation, but you have survived and keep on living.

Crisis situation can come anytime and the worst thing about it is, that it usually comes unexpected. Therefore it is good to be prepared for any crisis situation and eliminate complications. 

Here is the example. Because of current war situation, there are some signs, that large part of Europe can stay without gas, which is coming from Russia. The worst situation is in the Czech Republic as this country is dependent on Russian gas from 98% and there is no other supplier or alternative at the moment. Even after constant reassurances that there will be enough of gas for everybody, it is good to be prepared for the worse possible case. Another example can be blackout, which can happen anytime, for example during extreme storm.

This article is not meant to cause some fear, but rather to give you some tips for survival, what we should do and how to keep maximum comfort. It is not easy, but not impossible either. If you want to know what to do, keep on reading.

Suitable shelter 


Tent: Do you think it is a crazy idea to build a tent at home ? It may happens if some of the bad scenarios become reality. Preppers and survavilist know that already.

There is cold outside and you have no source of heating ? Then building a tent is one of the best options. Inside of the tent (which you will be otherwise using for camping) you will sleep much better than in place where is no heating. Even know, it won´t be as comfortable as your bed, you won´t be cold and that is important in this case. 

Sleeping bag and pad : sleeping bag is the best help how to keep you warm in crisis. However, it should be rightly combined with sleeping pad otherwise the thermal properties won´t be as good.

Alternative heating sources

If you have wood stove or coal stove you are pretty much fine. You just need to have enough of fuel and you should get over the crisis easily.

For the rest of you we can recommend kerosene heaters. 


We all know that we will survive without food longer than without water. There are different water sources and modifications. But what matters is, if we are prepared for the situation when there is no water in the tap. Remember, that nice hot cup of tea or coffee can warm us up. 

One of the possibilities is to have stored containers with water for emergencies. 

There is no need to panic if there is no water in the tap. There are affordable water filters, which can filter most of the impurities out and such water is then drinkable. Filtering process is quite fast and effective. All we need is to find appropriate water source. 

if you have garden, there is nothing easier than to use rain water from your barrels. 


Dehydrated food

Dehydrated food 

Dehydrated food 

Jerky (dried meat) 

Blackout also means that your refrigerator won´t be running. Depending also on the temperature outside, your food will stay fresh maximally for a few days.

The best way will be to eat first the food which is put at risk the most. Waiting for reconnection may not pay off. 

Some of the food can be cooked so you might need :  

  • grill, bbq
  • kerosene stove 
  • charcoal 
  • gas bottles and cylinders 

Czech are nation of DIY experts, so think about how to make an improvised heat source for cooking. There are many instructions how to make your own grill or hob so you can choose according to your individual needs. 

The current trend is freeze dried food that require only water. You can´t go wrong with standard canned foods or instant soup. Fortunately, the selection is quite large, it all depends on your individual needs. 


Overalls(dungarees): you can forget about fashion during crisis situation, it can be followed afterwards. As already mentioned, Czech are DIY experts so to find some overalls won´t be problem at all. They are suitable for any manual work and you don´t have to worry about getting dirty.

Layering: do not forget about layering, meaning, it is better to have more layers, that you can take off or put back on when needed. 

Thermal base layers: highly important is also base layer and thermal underwear. 

Solid footwear: that always come handy. You can use your hiking or work boots. It is important, that shoes have some kind of support. 

Work gloves: make sure you have at least one pair of work gloves. 

Medical equipment

First-aid kit

First-aid kit 

First-aid kit: It is quite sad, but most of the first-aid kits contain only plasters and bandages. First-aid kit should be part of any household and it is advised to purchase tactical first-aid kit as well. 

Pain killers: It is always good to have some pain killers, but be aware of expiration date. Check your supplies regularly.

Antibiotics: consult your GP or doctor and have some antibiotics prescribed.

Disinfection: disinfection is the basis. Always have enough of disinfection and check expiration date regularly. 

Sources of light 

Make sure you have enough of light sources. 

What is advised to have at your household 

  • led lights 
  • powerbank
  • alternative sources of energy 
  • candles, kerosene lamps and other burners


It is best to be prepared. In this article we have named quite a lot of things, which most of the households include. Whether you are going to get those that are missing, that is not for this topic. However, we wish you that you wouldn´t need to use any of above mentioned. 

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