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The range of accessories for plate carriers is quite wide. After all, manufacturers (also on the basis of feedback from soldiers and other users) are constantly inventing new innovative solutions that can make the situation easier for the owner of the plate carrier in combat situations and during training.

For a firm fit

Among the accessories for plate carriers are various buckles, handles, fixings and straps, which make it easier to attach both the plate carrier itself and the accessories to it. The quick-release buckles are naturally ready for operational use, so that you can fasten or unfasten them at any time depending on the specific situation. Universal mounts (meaning mounts independent of the manufacturer) of the ROC or G hook type are available. Alternatively, it is a part of the UAS (Universal Attach Systems).

Protect yourself beyond the basics

From the very concept of the plate carrier, it is clear that the greatest emphasis in ballistic protection is placed on the chest, abdomen and back areas. Which of course are sensitive parts of the body that need to be protected. But what about the hips, shoulders or groin? These are usually the weak points of plate carriers, at least in the basic design. Fortunately, there are various cummerbunds, groin protectors or shoulder pads that do not always have a certified level of ballistic protection, but on the other hand, it is still better to be protected by at least something than nothing at all.

Attach additional equipment

However, the list of features of accessories for plate carriers does not end there. An important part of the panels and other accessories are the MOLLE/PALS binding, which facilitates the attachment of other equipment to plate carriers and further personalization for customized positions of cases, pockets or pouches.

Comfort when moving

The last category of plate carrier accessories are elements that increase the comfort of plate carrier owners. These are mainly various types of pads (such as shoulder pads) that are placed on the areas of the plate carrier that are in direct contact with the carrier. It is in these areas that friction can occur during prolonged wear, which can lead to chafing and other complications.

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