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SAWYER® MINI 128 Water Filter

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€ 56,3
Product code: SP128-BLACK
Warranty length: 2 years
Description and parametersRelated articlesProduct inquiry
Description and parameters

If you look for the smallest and lightest travel filtration system in the world, then SAWYER® MINI 128 is here for you. This filter features hollow micro fibre with 0.1 µm (micron) wide pores in the membrane. You will be surprised by its very low weight - only 37 grams.

This filter is truly a one-of-a-kind product you can stash anywhere in any storage space. So if you plan on going on trip to the nature, this little thing will definitely come in handy and without taking too much space.

The SAWYER® MINI 128 will fit in your hand just fine and is always ready to use. In comparison with the bigger version, the flow rate is not that high, but 1.5 litre per minute is still more than sufficient taking into account the size of this travel filter.

The PointONE technology used in these filters ensures to filter out up to 99.99% of unhealthy and harmful bacteria. A nice surprising fact is that the water filtered through this filter conforms to the EU regulation on drinking water.

Another nice fact about this filter is its service life, the company guarantees the filtering of 378,000 litres of water, which is an impressive number.

How to use this filter?

It is easy, first we squeeze the bottle and filter the water into another prepared bottle or container. We can as well drink straight from the filter, since the filter features a regular cap similar to any cycling water bottle. The filter can also be connected to practically any PET bottle to filter the water right into the bottle.

Benefits you need to know about:

  • one of the smallest and lightest travel filters
  • low weight - 37 grams
  • impressive flow rate - 1.5l per minute
  • PointONE technology ensuring elimination of 99.99% of harmful bacteria
Do you like the product?
Buy SAWYER® MINI 128 Water Filter at a special price € 56,3
Important parameters
Volume of container / bag
4 l
2 l / min
37 g
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