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The company Petzl is based near Grenoble in Crolles, France, and is an exceptionally popular producer and manufacturer of all climbing, mountaineering, and caving equipment. The firm was founded in 1970 by the caver and researcher Fernand Petzl.

The Petzl company was founded in 1970 by the speleologist and researcher Fernand Petzl. It typically offers professional equipment for rescue services, high-altitude work, running, sport climbing, speleology, and regular mountaineering. Over the years, Petzl also incorporated the smaller company Charlet Moser, which produces ice axes and crampons, so today it manufactures and offers everything under the brand Petzl-Charlet Moser.

However, the most popular is the Petzl company thanks to the Petzl stop range of products (colloquially also "stoppetzl," which is a rappelling tool/brake with pulleys and a lever) and Croll (a chest ascender for rope climbing).

The Petzl company is also known among customers for annually publishing a special catalog of new products, which includes illustrated instructions on how to use specific products. There is also plenty of advice on the topic of "How to avoid problems and injuries." And since Petzl often emphasizes the dangers of similar activities, its catalog is frequently used as a climbing aid during training.

And for completeness, where does the Petzl company draw its professionalism from? These are climbers and developers: Josune Bereziartu, Francois Damlano, Danial Dulac, David Graham, Lynn Hill, Alex Huber, Robert Jasper, and Chris Sharma.

As for its representation in the Czech territories, it is led by climber Stanislav Šilhán, who, by the way, has been running the Vertical Trades, s.r.o. business in Jablonec nad Nisou since 1991.

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