What can we use for cooking if our backpack does not carry mess tin or any other utensil ? Nowdays we are far away from old aluminium versions, which makes us think - what can we get ? And what are the best products ?
What we take with us on the road decides about our comfort. This saying is even more true when we take longer trips where we will be cooking. Such conditions require some cookware. Yes, we could improvise and cook in a can, but that is not really what we are looking for. We should not also underestimate good old mess tin. Have these mess tins changed somehow ?
Soldier´s mess kits included dishes that served well for cooking just as for eating itself. Those were called mess tins. As already mentioned, mess tin was part of tho whole mess kit, originally made from aluminium. Aluminium is harmful and that was a problem. The technologies at that time did not offer such possibilities as today's ones so there was not much to talk about. The three-piece kit included larger and smaller utensil with a lid and a bail. What did we get then ? Larger container used mainly for cooking with a bail that allowed to carry even hot food, plus smaller container and a lid which served as a plate. Thoughtful, right ? But what about that aluminium ?
Harmful properties of aluminium has caused lot of troubles. Today´s technologies can offer so much more. Nowday´s materials are much better and not harmful. For example stainless steel. This material is excellent for such use. It is rock solid and harmless so we can use it for cooking without worrying. Steel is usually coated to enhance its properties. We can see chromium, zinc or Teflon coatings. So the aluminium is no longer used ? For its good properties such as light weight and strength has not completely disappeared. Nowdays, we can see different type of aluminium, which has been modified to make it harmless. Such aluminum is usually anodized which makes it more solid and more durable. We can also see plastic very often which is highly popular nowdays. Plastic ? Can we use it for cooking ?
Plastic dishes are really just dishes. These are dining utensils such as plate, bowl, box, etc. In this case the plastic is very practical. It is lightweight yet durable. The last thing we want is to carry extra dishes. All we need is the whole set that can be stashed together to save a space. Just be careful of containing of Bisfenol A which is a harmful ingredient.
On our website you can find different cookware - pots and other equipment - which can be used for cooking even in field conditions. The main thing is to choose the right material. Stainless steel products are heavier than aluminium ones but offer other advantages. The final decision will be always up to us.