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Eating in the nature using standard cutlery is pretty normal. But what about to replace standard cutlery with something bit more innovative ? Are we familiar with the term Spork or Knork? These two tools have literally become a hit. 

As we all know, even the kings ate with hands so why we couldn´t also use this method? We live in a cultivated world and each of us is used to some kind of luxury. If we can not have clean bed sheets, we could at least eat in peace. Steak is quite easy to eat with our hands, but soup or noodles not as much. We always find some solution, especially outdoors, but wouldn´t it be better to carry cutlery ? If you argue, that carry fork, knife and spoon in our pockets is little inappropriate, then keep on reading. 


If we want to enjoy comfortable dining even in the nature far away from our home, we should be properly equipped. One of the options is standard cutlery. And don´t worry, no need to take them out of your drawer, we have something bit more sophisticated for you. There are many options on our website we can offer. If we want to stick to something we are used to, then we will definitely appreciate folding cutlery, which we can easily store in our backpack. Such utensil sets come in many variations. Some sets offer even bottle and can openers but those are bit more bulky. Are there any other innovative solutions ?  

S.P.O.R.K and K.N….K

Some may find the name little strange. It looks bit like Old Roman Empire abbreviation. But don´t be fooled, it really is dining utensil. What about Spork and Knork…still nothing ? Anyway, the goal is to save space and weight. Luckily, there is cutlery that needs no other. Spork, which is composition of two words Spoon and Fork. We can imagine a spoon with fork-like endings, which obviously represent fork or the other possibility would be a tool with two different endings - fork on one side and spoon on the other. The Knork means Knive, Spoon and Fork. Practically the side of the fork has serration that substitute knife. Thanks to the Knork an Spork we don´t have to worry about carrying the entire heavy sets. And what about material ? 

The plastics again

It may sound unbelievably, but Sporks and Knorks are really made of plastics. Some companies make them from stainless steel. Stainless steel is is stronger and more durable, but also heavier. Modern plastics are also very strong, which gives these cutlery great features. The similar situation is also with other, more standard cutlery sets, although there are more metals than plastics. Either way, they are good materials that will never dissapoint us.

Standard cutlery or Spork?

The choice is yours. Some may not really like using spork or knork and rather stick to standard cutlery. Before purchasing, be careful about the material. Corrosion resistance and chemical free should be the first things to consider. 

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