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Timers or, if you prefer, timepieces, are devices with which you can time your shooting exactly according to how you need to design your training. In the form of a timer, you get a tool that will help you improve your shooting skills.

Timers can accurately determine the timing of your shooting. They are often equipped with a smart sensor that, in addition to standard sharp weapon shots, can also capture and evaluate dry shooting, shooting with a suppressor, or even shooting from an airsoft gun.

Some of the timers offered are equipped with an associated mobile application that can evaluate other data related to shooting, which it then displays in a clear form that tells you your progress over time. Even thanks to the use of the timer, you can often compete on the same platform with other shooters and compare your times and progress data. It is a modern training platform that can also enable relevant remote consultation with instructors who often do not even have to be present at your shooting to know what needs to be improved or where you have progressed.

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