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When practicing shooting, you will appreciate our wide range of targets, which definitely does not include only classic concentric targets with a marked point rating. Today's targets are much more advanced and include models that we would not have dreamed of just a few years ago.

In the target category, you will find mainly classic paper and cardboard models, both standard ones and those in the shape of a person or a human torso. They will find their application when training the accuracy of shooting at different distances. And if you want to use them more than once, you have the option. There are also blanks for targets, with which you can easily cover the results of your previous attempts.

But that is far from everything from our assortment. We believe that you will be pleasantly surprised by the offer of special three-dimensional targets, just as it surprised us. So much so that we couldn't deny ourselves including it on Rigad.com. Targets in the shape of a human torso in various designs have been tested on the order of tens of thousands of missiles – and are still functional even after years. And if you would like to "erase" the results of previous attempts in this case, we offer special acrylic sprays with which you can simply cover the points of penetration of the bullets into the target. Last but not least, you can also purchase bases for these targets from us.

Another interesting feature in our offer are virtual mobile shooting ranges, the existence of which we could not even imagine a few years ago. Today, you simply get a device that you place on your gun and connect to your smartphone. There will no longer be a need to go to a physical shooting range for shooting training. You simply install the relevant mobile application on your smartphone and you can practice dry shooting. Which means that you won't even need cartridges for ballistically accurate shooting training, and you'll still get a realistic simulation of movement and hits. The device is available in different versions, which differ from each other mainly by the materials used.

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