The strap is a very practical accessory for carrying your long firearm. With this strap, you can freely and quickly switch between single-point or two-point modes. The strap is very easy to handle. Depending on the width and height of your body or equipment, you can shorten or lengthen the strap.
The strap has a very low weight, so you don't need to worry about it being an additional burden in the field. Moreover, it is extremely strong.
On both sides, there are standard carabiners. They are made of carbonitrided steel, which has high resistance to weather conditions. For high safety, the carabiners are equipped with a lock to prevent unintentional opening. On one side of the strap, there is a standard carabiner, and on the other side, there is a QD quick-release.
Width | 3,2 cm |
Specifications | One-point Two-point Adjustable length |
Material in detail | Strap: abrasion resistant nylon with NIR treatment Paraclip, swivels and "D" rings: steel with Melonite® finish Other hardware: polymer |
Other specifications | Made in USA |