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The company ModeStone® focuses on writing and notepads that you can really take anywhere with you. You can write on them in almost any conditions because they are 100% water-resistant, smudge-proof, and yet a very eco-friendly choice.

The company ModeStone® focuses on notebooks and notepads that you can really take anywhere with you. You can write on them in almost any conditions because they are 100% water-resistant, smudge-proof, and yet a very eco-friendly choice.

Why were the universal and durable ModeStone® noteblocks created?

The most important thing that a really good writing/notetaking block must provide you is that it functions as an extension of your memory. If you also often rely on them, then today we have the joyful duty to inform you about the ModeStone® product range, which allows you to write really under any conditions. Whether you are on the highest mountains or deep beneath the sea.

How did it all start?

ModeStone® notepads are the result of long-term development of this type of product. The idea of waterproof notepads has its charm and struck Mr. Kalle from the company back when he was serving in the Finnish Defence Forces (FDF) and had to take notes from the NCO school, which were subsequently destroyed by water.

The first problem was to find the perfect material for the pages of this block. As it turned out, ModeStone® stone paper was the best choice. It resists water and grease, hardly tears, and insects do not like it at all.

And another amazing thing – it allows you to write on its pages even with an old key or a bullet. This way, you can manage writing under really any conditions when the traditional combination of paper + pencil + pen + marker has no chance!

ModeStone® paper is also very eco-friendly – it is made from 80% CaCO3 and 20% from HDPE (High-density polyethylene is a thermoplastic invented in 1954).

The company calculated that producing 1 ton of stone paper saves nature compared to 1 ton of wood pulp in the following ways:

  • Saves 28,314.88 liters of fresh water.
  • Lower carbon dioxide emissions.
  • 19.05 kg of waste discharged into water is not produced and is saved.
  • Also eliminates 107.05 kg of atmospheric emissions.
  • 6 million BTU units of energy are not consumed.
  • 20 trees are not cut down

Why is the ModeStone® notepad the perfect choice?

ModeStone® is a perfect material also for printing products like maps, cookbooks, labels, paper bags, and envelopes. For example, maps printed on ModeStone® paper are more durable, so they don't tear after rough handling like paper ones. They suffer from tearing at the corners over time. Also, the ink disappears from places where you've folded the map. None of this, of course, is even the slightest problem for ModeStone®.

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