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The American company Velocity Systems was founded in 2007 to protect members of the army and security forces. Since then, they have made huge progress in the assortment of ballistic protection.

Time - tested tradition 

The owners of Velocity Systems follow the production of materials that have been developing since the end of World War II.

The company specializes primarily in security and protection

In the assortment you will find military and tactical equipment for the army, police and other security forces. The company's priority is primarily functional and safe products that combine simple and comfortable wearing in the hardest tactical conditions.

If you care about your protection, then Velocity Systems is a hot candidate that can save your life.

Take a look at the Velocity System wide assortment : 

  • tactical vests 
  • plate carriers 
  • bulletproof vests 
  • magazine holsters 
  • backpacks for military and tactical purposes that can be used in the outdoor world
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Velocity Systems® / Mayflower
