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We are a proud supplier of NATO armies

18. září 2022Rigad News Ondřej KrotilReading time 3 minutesRead: 1199x

Nobody wanted to believe it at first, but now it is official. Rigad.cz is a proud supplier of NATO armies. We take pride in providing supplies to the largest military organization on the planet.

We are a proud partner of NATO

Our registration number 828DG authorizes us to supply goods for armies within the entire NATO community. We are well prepared for this task and take duly pride in doing so. Nothing brings more joy than sharing experience and potential with the largest military community in the entire world.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Program NATO Stock Number (NSN)

This program includes only those products that meet the quality requirements required by the NATO organization itself and we can now present them to you at the following link.

These are truly high-end products that we are rightly proud of and are happy to have them in our permanent offer range. Each product has its own unique NSN number that cannot be used with any other item. This unique NSN number has 13 digits and can be written together or separated by dashed for better legibility.


NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization and in Czech it is called the North Atlantic Alliance. This pact was established on April 4, 1949 with the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty.

NATO's current headquarter is located in Brussels, Belgium. The purpose of the entire organization was defense against the so-called Eastern Block, which was then dominated by the Soviet Union. Member states operate on the basis of partnership, based on common solidarity and defense of individual member states. There are currently 30 member nations, and the majority are from Europe, followed by North America and Asia.

NATO and Czech Republic

The Czech Republic became a member of NATO on March 12, 1999. On this date, Poland and Hungary joined together with the Czech Republic. It was the very first countries of the so-called Eastern Block to join this military organization after the fall of the Iron Curtain.

Being a member of NATO is not only a matter of responsibility and belonging, but also a matter of high prestige. For that reason, Rigad.cz could not miss joining the prestigious club of NATO army suppliers and is duly proud of the products it supplies.

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