The table has been one of the basic elements of furniture for thousands of years. Did we think we could also use it for camping or in the garden ? How does it work ?
When we have all the equipment we might need, we are ready to go. We have something where we sit down, where we sleep, but what about dining ? Are we going to eat with a plate in our hands ? Or do we use some rock, stump or perhaps our vehicle ? There is better solution called folding tables. Such table consists of several parts so keep reading.
The biggest advantage of these tables is of course possibility of folding and unfolding, which is possible thanks to theirs solid construction. Yes, even folding accessories can be pretty solid. Construction consists of (usually) four legs and a desktop. It is important that all the parts are strong yet lightweight. That is why these tables are made mostly of aluminium which is perfect material for this purpose. After unfolding we can conveniently store them in carry bag for easy transport.
Such a construction is not unique. We could see folding tables in the past, but unfortunately they were not not as sophisticated as today's. models. Their disadvantage was their size. Although the table could be folded, its dimensions were not good for convenient traveling with it. Therefore we are sure, that nowadays folding tables will be appreciated when camping as well as in your garden.