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The landscape around us often has different colors as well as different undergrowth. This indisposition can be balanced by a camouflage suit. Which one is better ? Let´s not forget, that camouflage is the most important.

We are not exactly equipped with inconspicacy by nature. Yet when we notice animals, they are colored according to where they occur. Therefore, the lion cannot be green - it would not help him much in Savana. This problem is being solved primarily in the army. The ordinary soldiers need a little grass on the helmet and smear the face with camouflage colors. Taking into account snipers or observers, we get everything right away. The sniper needs to stay camouflaged and inconspicious for several hours. What is going to help ? Hiding place or shelter? The answer is - camouflage suit.

Concealed and fatal

The camouglage suits can also be called Ghillie suits. If we can not imagine it, let's get a little closer to the camouflage suits. Practically it is the top of the clothing that we put on. The Ghillie can be either ready to use or preset. The ready to use one is already predetermined for the area. Logically, Ghillie will simulate the vegetation that occurs there. Different types of materials in the colors of the undergrowth are hung on the Ghillie. One looks a bit like a spook. At the same time, it does not copy the lines of the body, which is a big advantage. We are not so noticeable. But each part of forest is a little different. That is why we have preset Ghillies on which we are able to hang other elements according to where we are. The more we become invisible, the more we have chances of success.

Soldier as well as civilian

Obviously the Ghillie suits are primarily made for armies. The soldiers use them daily. Due to their effectiveness, the camouflage suits have become popular even in the civilian sector. Paintball or airsoft players also need to stay masked. It can be used by hunters or photographers, who blend with nature to get the best photos of the fauna, which is otherwise shy.

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