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The Swedish brand Mora is a manufacturer of knives that enjoy great popularity. For a low price, we get a quality knife that we won't want to put down.

Morakniv® is a brand of knives from the company Mora of Sweden® from the Swedish town of Mora. Morakniv® - these are quality knives for professional craftsmen, hunters, fishermen, butchers, adventurers, and others, knives that meet the special needs of their users. The company's second brand is Frosts® - professional knives for the food industry. Mora of Sweden was established in 2005 by merging Frosts Knivfabrik and KJ Eriksson. The company's name reflects the important link between its products, the town of Mora, and their Swedish origin. Morakniv® (Mora knife) is always a knife from Mora of Sweden®. The company remains a family business and produces quality knives that are supplied to all corners of the world.

All products are made in Sweden! If the knife blade does not bear the inscription "MADE IN SWEDEN", you do not have a genuine and original Morakniv® in your hand.

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Morakniv® - Mora of Sweden

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