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TOP 5 survival gadgets

31. srpna 2022Hints and tipsOndřej KrotilReading time 5 minutesRead: 279x

Equipment determines survival

No need to stress out that in an emergency situation, the right equipment determines our future. It literally affects whether we survive or not. If we really want to succeed in such a difficult situation, we will need two things. Except for the right equipment we also need to keep our heads cool, because panic is our enemy.

Adapt to the situation

Adapting to the situation is, in fact, our greatest evolutionary accomplishment, and it has long been no longer the case that the stronger wins. It's the other way round. The one who can adapt will win. That's why for emergency survival situations you need to plan ahead. You will surely agree that it's pointless to take with you a small fishing kit if you are going to be in the middle of the steppe. In this article we will name TOP 5 things you can use almost in any situation. I put an emphasis on the word almost, since each survival situation will be different.

1. Knife


Knife is the absolute classic. Although knife is actually a very primitive tool, it has been making people's jobs easier for thousands of years, as it's a tool that cuts, slices, pinches and of course kills and has been very well known since the Stone Age.

What should your knife look like? When it comes to survival the answer is the more versatile the better. In universal knives, in addition to the blade, we usually also find scissors, openers, saws, files, pincers or screwdrivers. Some knives also feature pliers, magnifying glasses and spanners of various sizes. An unquestionable advantage of universal knives is their size. They are small, lightweight and fit practically in any pocket or inside your survival kit.

With a quality knife you can cut firewood or prepare wood shavings for starting a fire. You really only need a small knife to cut raw food and it will also help you big time with the making of other primitive tools, for example for hunting.

2. Matches  

Do not rely on regular lighters and matches. Regular matches get wet very easily, with ordinary lighters, there is a risk that the stone will get stuck, the gas will run out, or it may get wet or that you will simply lose it.


Starting a fire is the key when surviving in the wild. Fire is a great source of heat, you can use it for cooking your meals and will also help you with signalization. For this reason you shouldn't underestimate your choices when it comes to matches or lighters. We recommend using waterproof matches as they are able to cope with a serious amount of wetness.

3. Whistle

If you find yourself in an emergency situation and have a mobile phone on you and the reception is nearby, you are practically already saved. Very few people carry a radio on them. So how to attract somebody's attention then? It's proven handy to always have a whistle at hand, the sound of which can be heard kilometeres away if the conditions are right.

Signal whistle is small, lightweight and highly effective. Due to the fact that you blow it, you don't need to think about batteries or anything like that, it doesn't malfunction, and yet is highly effective.

4. Bandage and Band-Aid

It's very easy to sustain an injury, but in harsh survival conditions even a banal injury can pose a serious threat. It's quite easy to make an improvised splint. All you need is a small branch wrapped around using your shirt or other piece of cloth. You can also easily cut it with your universal knife. But there is one small problem, it's not sterile. In similar situations it's practical to have a bandage and a band-aid with you. Band-aid can be used to treat smaller injuries or blisters.

4. Bandage and Band-Aid

Bandage is handy for stopping bleeding in larger injuries, given that in survival situations there are plenty of chances to get injured.

5. Compass

Compass on a map

Learning how to use a compass is not so difficult. You may find yourself in a situation where you will need to get back to civilization on your own, because nobody will look for you. This might really happen. And if you don't know the direction, compass will make for a great companion. Very often, compass comes with a mirror, which can be used for emergency signalling. Many times, they also have a magnifying glass which can help you start a fire if the day is sunny.

Moreover, a compass doesn't take up much space. The smallest compasses cost close to nothing and are as small as a larger button.


Survival kits may differ based on your actual needs. In this article I name the absolute essentials. Namely the basic tools for survival, signalization and calling for help, fire starting, finding the right direction and emergency first aid. We wish you that you will never need to use these things in real life.

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