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Proven tips for choosing the best defense spray

22. listopadu 2024Hints and tipsPavel KreuzigerReading time 5 minutesRead: 4515x

Defense sprays are practical means of defense designed not to kill an attacker, but to paralyze them and discourage them from continuing their attack. Although we live in Central Europe, i.e. one of the safest parts of the world, accidental unwanted encounters can happen here too.

But there are a number of defense sprays, and pepper sprays are only one of the subgroups that we will talk about later. Some sprays can also have extra functions and the choice is really rich. For that reason, decision-making paralysis can also occur, when we may have no idea how to choose the right one for us from the range of defense sprays.

In the Czech Republic, sprays for personal defense can be carried and used almost indefinitely in an extreme emergency (however, you can officially buy them from the age of 18), which is not a complete standard in the world. For example, in Germany, the carrying of defense sprays is limited to police officers and people who want to defend themselves against aggressive animals. Against human attackers, this type of defense is prohibited here. Defense sprays cannot be used even in wars, because from the point of view of international law it is a means primarily intended for the suppression of riots.

A defense spray button. Source: Rigad

Keep the spray ready and learn how to use it ahead of time.

Defense spray benefits

The advantages of defense sprays include their versatile use. In addition to humans, they also work on other mammals, so you can easily paralyze various animals with them, including aggressive dogs or even bears, which have recently started to spread to the territory of the Czech Republic.

The benefit is certainly the low weight and compact packaging of such a spray (perhaps except for specialized models designed specifically for use against bears), so that the defense spray fits into a purse or even a pocket and you can always have it at hand.

Defense spray is a non-contact weapon, so you won't risk a direct fight with an attacker and potential other problems when using it. Unlike other weapons for defense, such as a telescope or a knife. Of course, there are also firearms, but they are only really appropriate to use in the greatest emergency, and there is always the risk of unnecessary bloodshed.

It is even such a non-contact method of defense that when using the spray you can easily be several (mostly approx. 3, but up to 5) meters away from the attacker. This greatly reduces the risk of having to engage in direct combat. After the counterattack itself, you can run away and possibly use another emergency means (such as a signaling whistle) to call for help.

Defense sprays, different types. Source: Rigad

For most manufacturers, the number of doses is defined by a one-second press as standard.

How the defense spray is used

Especially in places where you might expect an attack (for example, after dark somewhere in a park where there are usually fewer people), keep the spray ready for an emergency. And most importantly, learn to use it in advance, because even though the use of most defense sprays is intuitive, you can still be paralyzed under stress and not act completely automatically.

Only pull out the spray when the attacker is sure that there is no danger from you. Try to look scared (although you probably won't have to play it completely in the given situation) and the moment the attacker gets within about 3 to 4 meters, pull out the spray and use it immediately. It surprises and freaks them out. The substances contained in the spray (which we will write about later) will cause swelling of the mucous membranes, pain in the eyes and their spontaneous closing and shortness of breath.

It is simply enough to press the button, while the number of doses is defined by standard by pressing it for one second for most manufacturers. An effective dose is sprayed from the spray in one second, which is capable of knocking the attacker out of the game for a time long enough for you to run away or counterattack, or call for help. Defense spray is under pressure, so you should not store it in a very warm environment, for example in a car in the summer. On the other hand, the pressure operation of the spray is an advantage because the spray does not need batteries.

Sabre Red<sup>&reg;</sup> Lipstick UV defense spray. Source: Rigad

Some defense sprays have an unobtrusive design, e.g. Sabre Red® UV Defense Lipstick Spray.

When it comes to dangerous animals, especially bears, try to proceed as calmly as possible. Do not make sudden movements that could speed up the animal's attack. You may only act more briskly if, for example, an aggressive dog has already started an attack on your own dog. Otherwise, just like with people, always have the spray handy for animals.

We recommend getting a chest holster with a bear spray harness. We assume that you will carry such a spray with you into the forest or mountains and you will need access to it without having to take a heavy backpack off your back. The chest holster keeps the spray firmly in place, and thanks to the flap closure, you always have operative access to the spray.

As the animal approaches you, stand or crouch down and carefully pull the spray out of the holster. Then release the safety, the operation of which should be completely intuitive, and as soon as the animal approaches you within 3 to 5 meters (or another distance according to the manufacturer's specifications), press the trigger.

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Choose according to the active ingredient

The basic options for choosing a defense spray include the active substance contained. The most common is an extract from cayenne pepper or Oleoresin Capsicum (abbreviation OC). This tear-forming substance causes even temporary blindness, severe burning of the skin, coughing and shortness of breath. It is according to OC sprays that defense sprays are generally called "pepper" sprays, even though pepper spray is actually only a subset of this category of defensive means.

It is important to mention that when choosing a spray, you need to pay attention not only to the type of active substance, but also to its quantity or concentration. The American company Sabre Red has one of the most concentrated pepper sprays in its portfolio, the sprays of which contain around 10 percent of the active ingredient.

In addition to pepper sprays, we have defense sprays with synthetically produced active substances. A relatively common active substance is the so-called CS or chlorobenzylidene malononitrile. This substance is often referred to as an artificial alternative to OC and it is a substance that again causes severe irritation to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract. We offer CS sprays, for example, from the German manufacturer TW1000.

Probably the closest synthetic variant to OC is, however, SC, which is an abbreviation for synthetic capsaicin. This active substance is also used quite widely in defensive sprays and is actually a synthetic derivative of natural capsaicin. The substance has irritating properties that cause intense burning on contact with the skin and temporary blindness on contact with the eyes.

The last variant is the so-called CN sprays, which contain a substance called chloracetophenone. This type of tear spray is again used for self-defense and is again produced by a chemical process, i.e. not by the extraction of a natural substance.

A Sabre Red defense spray in the grass. Source: Sabre Red, Rigad

The basic options for choosing a defense spray include the active substance contained. The most common is cayenne pepper extract.

How big defense spray do I need?

In addition to the concentration of the active substance, the size of defense sprays must also be taken into account. However, even the smallest sprays are enough for about 5-10 one-second "shots", which is roughly the number of counter attacks you can use them for. For ordinary self-defense, such a spray is absolutely sufficient. It's cheaper than larger sprays and at the same time it's compact enough that you can pack it in said pocket or purse and it won't take up too much space. And yet you will have it at hand.

Larger sprays will already be used mainly by professionals, for example by police officers, who can use the defensive spray as a means of pacifying an aggressive attacker. However, even an ordinary user can purchase a defense spray in a larger volume, specifically for bears. This particular animal, if it is aggressive (for example, if you meet a bear mother with cubs in the wild), you cannot drive it away with a one-second shot.

Generally speaking, it's better to have the tiniest pack of spray in your hand than a huge spray in your backpack that you won't have immediate access to in a hurry. However, if you have a spray that you have used before and you are not sure that it contains enough of the active substance, it is better to get another one. And take it to incriminated places with you.

Sabre Red defense spray pink, to the purse. Source: Sabre Red, Rigad

It's better to have the tiniest pack of spray in your hand than a huge spray in your backpack that you won't have immediate access to in a hurry.

Defense spray special features and accessories

Some of the defense sprays (and we also offer them here) have special functions that bring something extra. For example, some models can be equipped with a flashlight, the purpose of which is, among other things, to dazzle the offender. But feel free to light the way with it or try to find the keys with her help.

A clip (on a belt or the edge of a pocket) or a key ring is also a practical addition to defense sprays. Or both. We also have various holsters available for defense sprays (we already talked about the chest ones for bears).

In some sprays, a marking substance is also present, which is visible under a UV lamp and is used for later possible identification of the perpetrator. And then we have training sprays, with which you can safely practice counterattacking with this type of defense.

Types of sprays according to the shape of the nozzle

Finally, we still need to discuss the types of defense sprays according to the shape of the nozzle. Basically, the nozzles are divided into so-called "fog" and "jet" (liquid projectile) and it is clear that both variants have their pros and cons. The fog, or cloud, will spread out more, so it covers a larger area and you don't have to aim it as precisely. On the other hand, it is possible that you could also hit potential bystanders with it under stress.

On the other hand, a liquid bullet has a longer injection length and does not change direction easily – thanks to the greater pressure, it is more resistant to wind. However, it is necessary to be more precise when using it. Sometimes a liquid projectile is also referred to as a "ballistic projectile".

In conclusion

Defense sprays are an effective and affordable way to improve personal safety in situations where you may feel threatened. Their advantage is quick use, intuitive control and high efficiency when repelling an attacker or an aggressive animal. Of course, it's good if you don't purposely look for dangerous situations (for example, you don't go alone in the dark to remote parts of cities, etc.), but when such a situation does arise, then it's better to be prepared than surprised.

However, before you buy a defense spray, it is better to familiarize yourself with the legislation of the country to which you are going to pack it with you. The legal arrangements for the use of these means of defense in different countries may differ from each other. For example, in the Czech Republic you can carry all the sprays that you can find in our offer, but even in neighboring Germany this may not be the rule. Finally, it should be mentioned that defense sprays must be used responsibly in any case.

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