You can't open your eyes in the morning. You hit the alarm clock on the third (or maybe eighth) ring. In the toilet, still half-comatose, you scroll through social networks. Then, in the gloom, you pour yourself a cup of coffee, throw something on yourself and go. You cram a roll into yourself behind the wheel while swearing at other drivers. You brush your teeth at work. And already in the middle of the day, you have a total lack of energy. Do you recognize yourself? And why not try it a little differently? Try our 8 tips and see where it takes your energy.
The first activities you start a new day with have a fairly fundamental effect on our performance and productivity not only in the morning, but also throughout the day. And also on our overall setting, thus also on how the day will go. They can either boost or dampen our effectiveness. And in the same way, they either kick the mood or nip it in the bud. So how to start the day a little better?
Honestly, how many of us tend to reach for our phones as the first thing in the morning and scroll through messages or Instagram, or even worse – check work emails? And then a strange mental smog falls on us...
The problem is that our brain is most receptive to external stimuli in the first few tens of minutes after waking up. It is very easy to overwhelm it with (mostly negative) information, which will negatively affect performance and mood. The mind is scattered, moreover, it is difficult to break away from the networks and start doing something for real. The same goes for watching TV.
In the morning, the brain is most receptive to external stimuli and is easily overwhelmed. Choose what you "feed" it.
The body loses fluids during the night. It loses part of it through sweating and another part through evaporation, in addition, it does not have the opportunity to continuously replenish it – simply because it is asleep. The body wakes up dehydrated.
That is why it is important to replenish the lost fluids immediately after waking up and drink a large glass of water. Water helps the body flush out toxins, accelerates metabolism, hydrates organs and relieves drowsiness. On the other hand, wait at least an hour with coffee.
We breathe completely automatically and most of the time we don't pay any attention to our breath. We also often breathe shallowly and insufficiently, especially in stressful situations, but often also in the long term. Conscious breathing alone helps to slow down the heart rate, better oxygenate the organs and calm the mind.
But there is another level. Do you want to examine and oxygenate every cell in your body? Do some breathing exercises. Wim Hof's method is excellent, for example, where series of deep inhalations and passive exhalations with breath holdings alternate. During this exercise, the cardiovascular system is literally trained, which means that you actively prevent the development of civilization diseases, for example. During deep breathing, the body heats up, generates energy, stimulates the activity of organs and overall regeneration of the organism, and processes inflammation.
Attention: this is not a "how long can I last holding my breath" performance – it doesn't matter at all. It is about the benefits that breathing exercises bring.
We will stay at (not only) Wim Hof again. Just like breathing exercises, regular cold exposure training also helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system and boost immunity. The body learns to better deal with stress and handle temperature extremes (not just cold, but also heat).
At the same time, it is not necessary to wait for winter or dive into ice tubs when we have a shower with cold water at home. You can start slowly – 10 to 15 seconds. At the same time, concentrate on your breath. When you adapt to this, you can gradually increase the times. But it's not about maximizing performance either – going over the edge would be counterproductive.
TIP: Are you coming down with something? Skip the cold shower for a few days and do breathing exercises instead.
The exercise effect will be enhanced by movement in daylight.
Another thing that kicks you up in the morning is movement. And any that you enjoy. The goal is not to collapse during training in the morning, but rather to start yourself. In addition to having a positive effect on the body, exercise also improves concentration.
TIP: If you can, exercise outside. The circadian rhythm responds to light. Even if it's cloudy, daylight will wake you up (artificial light and even the light outside the window is not strong enough). Simply put, when you give the body its dose of daylight in the morning, the body knows it's daytime and it's time to get ready for action.
Hygiene, clean clothes and basic grooming. Are you saying it's obvious? Take a tram ride in the hot summer and you will see that it is not…
A balanced breakfast helps start the metabolism, provides the body and brain with nutrients and energy. Your energy level will be more stable and you won't be exhausted at the start of the day. It doesn't have to be rocket science (and if it is, I'm sure you'll find your nutritionist or fitness advisor).
It is said that those who fail to plan plan to fail. If you didn't have time to plan your day the night before, early in the morning you have the opportunity to organize your time and determine the main priorities and tasks for the day. Don't forget to set aside time for your loved ones, hobbies and rest. Today we influence how we will feel tomorrow.