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Antares Defense: shooting races with an idea (and much more!)

16. října 2024Rigad News Hana SedlákováReading time 4 minutesRead: 60x

The Antares Defense z.s. association from Liberec offers its members and the general public a wide range of activities related to shooting sports. Among other things, for example, it organizes team building events or shooting competitions (not only) according to the rules of LOS with very interesting and novel topics that will interest and entertain you. It also provides a quality platform for education in the form of specialized courses or the possibility of obtaining a license as a referee or sports shooting coach. And there is much more! Read on and let yourself be tempted by one of the planned events…

What does the Antares Defense association do?

The activities that Antares Defense organizes for the public include, for example, the organization of sports-shooting competitions according to the rules of LOS, IPSC, IDPA, KVZ or modified club rules. For those interested, there is also an offer for the organization of team building events. Rigad is also happy to support these shooting competitions.

Antares Defense T-shirt with a logo, Glock pistol, cartridges and a time meter. Source: Facebook Antares Defense.

Antares Defense z.s. is a Liberec association dealing with activities related to sports shooting. Source: Facebook Antares Defense.

The association allows its members to obtain licenses of referees and sport shooting trainers, organizes educational courses and training for them and ensures the protection of their rights and interests in the field of sports shooting. Members of Antares Defense successfully represent at national and international competitions in sports shooting. In addition, Antares Defense regularly engages in programs and projects in the field of defense and protection and supports public benefit activities in accordance with its objectives.

Antares Defense course offerings

Antares Defense offers specialized courses ranging from basic and advanced LOS (People's Defensive Marksmanship) training at various levels of difficulty, to range first aid and the basics of home reloading. Contact the Antares Defense association on their website and write for dates!

LOS school: from preparation to graduation

People's Defense Shooting, abbreviated LOS, is a Czech shooting competition suitable for all shooters from the general public who have decided to carry a weapon for their own defense and learn to use it safely and effectively. Beginner shooters who have not yet gained much experience with shooting on the move or dealing with dynamic situations are strongly advised to practice the elements of these disciplines under experienced supervision.

In four consecutive courses of varying difficulty, experienced instructors guide you through basic and advanced LOS techniques and preparation for competitions. You probably won't add a high school diploma from LOS to your resume, but the practical skills from this school can really come in handy in your life.

Antares Defense targets. Source: Facebook Antares Defense.

Shooting competitions organized by Antares Defense are held at a small club shooting range in Jablonné v Podještědí or at the modern shooting complex Camp Zero in Prague. Source: Facebook Antares Defense.

The range of LOS courses is as follows:

  • Prep.
  • Base.
  • Medium.
  • Graduation.

First aid at the shooting range

We need to admit that getting safe gun handling into the blood takes training, time and personal responsibility. Despite all efforts, even at shooting ranges, injuries sometimes occur, some of which tend to be quite specific in nature. In the first aid course on shooting ranges, you will experience firsthand how to react in these stressful situations and how to proceed correctly.

The basics of reloading

The question of reloading has probably come up for everyone who goes shooting regularly, but at the same time doesn't plan to spend a significant part of their paycheck on buying ammunition. Reloading, despite the initial investment in equipment, has a positive impact on the final price of cartridges, if done correctly it is even possible to partially adapt the characteristics of the cartridge to your needs. You probably already know this theory. But now it's time to get into practice.

In order for the reloading process to work in your favor and not pose an unnecessary risk, homemade ammo production must be done correctly and completely safe. The industry professionals at Antares Defense will guide you through these principles and provide valuable reloading advice.

A shooter at the shooting range during a LOS competition LOS organized by Antares Defense. Source: Facebook Antares Defense.

With Antares Defense you will learn the basic and advanced elements of LOS, within LOSíks or specialized courses. Source: Facebook Antares Defense.

Shooting competitions

Catch your Moose!

Do you go for LOSíks (which mean little moose in Czech)? This is a series of graded marksmanship drills designed to develop and reinforce safe gun handling habits, practice the fundamentals of various shooting situations, and familiarize yourself with the referees' instructions and commands that shooters will encounter at LOS events. Any shooter with a valid firearms license, own weapon with two magazines and a holster, and clothing suitable for concealed carrying of a weapon can participate in LOSík.

Antares Cup: competitions that don't lack ideas!

Are you interested in competitive shooting sports but still looking for something with a little more juice? In the Antares Cup series, you will find races with themes that will entertain you. This year, for example, you had the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of Ferda the Ant (ideally with themed fashion accessories), go back in time to the wild nineties, recruit your older children to the shooting team for Father's Day or save the situation during a terrorist attack on the theater in Dubrovka in 2002.

However, the Antares Cup series is not over this year, with 3 races left on the schedule. Already this weekend, October 12, you will have the opportunity to look into the future as part of the Tma 3.0 race – specifically to the year 2042, where with only a flashlight on your weapon (or with an external flashlight) you will experience for yourself what it will be like when it occurs blackout and society descends into chaos and anarchy.

Less than a month later, on November 9, you will move to the M*A*S*H 4077 field hospital, and on December 7, you and Saint Nicholas will deal with his troubles. On the Antares Defense Facebook pages, scenarios for 2025 are slowly appearing, so let yourself be surprised and enticed!

A competitor is included in the Antares Cup series ranking if they complete ¾ of the total number of races organized by the Antares Cup. Competitions are held at the small club shooting range in Jablonné v Podještědí or at the modern shooting complex Camp Zero in Prague.

Antares Defense Charity Series logo. Source: Facebook Antares Defense.

Some of the Antares Defense competitions have a charitable overlap. Source: Facebook Antares Defense.

Original Series with its story

To ensure that there is no shortage of competitions with interesting subjects, Antares Defense annually organizes a themed club competition according to LOS rules in a combination of pistol and pistol carbine. Here you could encounter topics such as Czech Mad Max or Czech Walking Dead.

Charity Series to help

The Antares Charity Series is a race series that aims to help. One of these charity races will be the already mentioned race M*A*S*H 4077 from the Antares Cup series, which will be held on November 9 at the Camp Zero shooting range in Prague.

The proceeds from this race will go to the organization Centrum Lira, z. ú., the goal of which is to support families of children with disabilities, autism spectrum disorders or developmental threats in various areas. Come shoot, enjoy your Saturday and support a good cause at the same time!

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