High Point Dry Cover 3.0 is a lightweight and compact bivy bag that provides excellent protection against adverse weather conditions such as wind, rain or snow. It is an ideal choice for hikers, climbers, and ski mountaineers who seek a reliable way to protect themselves and their sleeping bags while sleeping in the open.
The bag is made from a double-layer Pertex Shield material that boasts waterproofness with a high water column while also being breathable. This material combination provides reliable protection against moisture while allowing bodily moisture to escape, ensuring a comfortable sleep even in challenging conditions.
With its above-standard dimensions and low weight, the Dry Cover 3.0 is spacious enough for comfortable overnight stays while also being easily portable. Its anatomical construction minimizes excess space, contributing to better heat retention and comfort during the night.
You will appreciate this bivy bag during various outdoor activities such as hiking, climbing, high-altitude hiking, ski mountaineering or camping. Thanks to its low weight and compactness, it is the ideal companion for those who want to minimize the weight of their gear without compromising on quality and protection.
Warning: Never fully zip up the sack, as there is a risk of suffocation!