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Description and parametersRelated articlesProduct inquiry
Description and parameters
NexTorch light threaded silicon lubricant will help keep threads of flashlights and O-rings in a good condition. This product is suitable for all NexTorch lamps. High temperature toleration is also a big advantage.
Benefits you need to know about:
preferred lubricant for flashlight threads and O-rings
helps keep these parts in good condition
high temperature tolerance
suitable for maintenance of all NexTorch flashlights
Do you like the product?
Buy NexTorch® flashlight threaded silicon lubricant at a special price € 5,4
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Do you like the product?
Buy NexTorch® flashlight threaded silicon lubricant at a special price € 5,4
Product inquiry
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Do you like the product?
Buy NexTorch® flashlight threaded silicon lubricant at a special price € 5,4
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