Our entire team is working hard to ensure that all the necessary information about the product is fully included. Unfortunately, sometimes it may not be possible in time and you will miss the necessary information. In that case, you have the opportunity to write to us.
Before submitting your inquiry, please double-check that the email you entered is correct. We make sure the email is formatted correctly, but if you have a typo in the address, unfortunately, we won't know. We do not have the opportunity then to find the correct e-mail so we may not be able to answer your question.
And why do we want your consent to the terms and conditions? When you submit the form, the query is stored in the system, including your name and your e-mail. In this case, the law obligates us to clarify some of the conditions with you that are currently determined under the business terms.
Quite often we receive an inquiry about a specific variant of the product, ie –– colour or size. If you do not write this information in the form, then we do not have a chance to know which option you intended, we have to ask you additionally and that extends the time before you get the right answer.